DARBS (Distributed Algorithmic and Rule-Based Blackboard System) is a framework for building multi-agent intelligent systems.
DARBS (and it’s predecessor ARBS) has been used to tackle a wide variety of problems. To give you a taste of the range of potential applications, here are just some of the ways in which DARBS has been used:
DARBS is particularly well suited to tackling problems where using a hybrid approach (combining a number of different AI techniques) is helpful.
DARBS is split into two main sections - the blackboard, and the agents. The Blackboard runs as a standalone server application, and is responsible for storing and retrieving ‘knowledge’. Agents act as client to the blackboard, adding to, removing, altering and analysing the knowledge contained on the blackboard. In doing this the agents are entirely opportunistic. If they see information which is relevant to them, the agents will act straight away. Using this process of adding to and refining the knowledge on the blackboard, the agents work toward a solution to the problem.